Migraine Linked to Abuse

Something we never talk about

Abuse is common and occurs worldwide.  It can be physical, emotional or sexual, and it also includes neglect.  There is a strong association between a history of childhood maltreatment on the one hand and migraine and other chronic pain disorders on the other.  This article by researcher Gretchen Tietjen is a good summary of the issue.  http://www.medicaldaily.com/emotional-abuse-childhood-migraines-391660

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Alternative Treatments

Have you tried………?

Somewhere on the long, winding road we travel seeking a remedy for our migraine pain, most of us resort to so-called alternative treatments.  We tend to pigeonhole curatives such as acupuncture, rolfing, homeopathy and cannabis as “out there,” unproven, therefore worth less than the pills and surgeries prescribed by our doctors.  Yet we all have much to learn from the health and spiritual practices that come to us from the East and elsewhere around the globe:  acupuncture, Tai chi and Qigong from China, Buddhist spiritual practices from Japan and Tibet, ayurveda and yoga from India, Native American healing from throughout the Americas, and more.

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