Family News and migraine

What’s goin’ on

Andrew and Jenny are doing a kitchen remodel.  There is lots of discussion around paint colors, what it will feel like to tear that wall out and open up the kitchen to the living room and just when this is all going to happen.  Since for us, this is a vacation to Santa Cruz, we ride our bikes, walk on the beach and talk about which route to take this time driving our van north towards home.

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When things aren’t going well

The last few months have been ugly.  Headaches have been daily, and I’m not sleeping well either.  Pain and anxiety have invaded my dreams.  When I stagger out of bed in the morning, I’m often in the worst shape of the day. Things tends to slowly improve as the day wears on.  Then they start to deteriorate in the evening with fatigue and onset of dull pain in my head or muscle spasms in my upper back.  I know this is not just my story.

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Anatomy of a headache week

Tonight we’re planning on going to a writer’s open mike session at Village Books, and we’re both on the list to read.  My first time.

I feel a slight pressure on the left side of my head as I’m preparing dinner.  Pretty soon I’m thinking I should use my Cefaly to try to head this off, whatever it is.  But time is short so I finish cooking, we eat and go.


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